
A custom portfolio is available on request and can be tailored to specific areas in product, design, or leadership. Below are select samples for general availability.

Please note: Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) may limit what I can share about specific companies or projects. To honor those, I often aggregate or recreate scenarios that demonstrate my work.

Categories of work

I’ve arranged writings and examples of my work into the following categories: Leadership, Product Design, Design Systems, and Product Management.


How to lead teams—and yourself—through ambiguity
By doing these things, we turn the unknown into discovery, and turn fear into creative possibility.
Toward a holistic model for leading change (revised)
Common approaches to leading change ignore the transitions people and organizations must go through in order to create successful change…

Product Design

Case studies

Device-agnostic review collection
As lead designer on our user generated content team, I discovered opportunities to improve our core product from user feedback, data analysis, and user interviews…
Using the PURE method to evaluate cognitive load
The PURE method is useful for situations when research investment is unavailable or when numerical data speaks to stakeholders in ways that qualitative data doesn’t.


What is Impact Design?
We all face problems and challenges. Some of us seek them out. Some of us passionately want to change the way things are and to invest…

Design Systems

Example design system built for conversation and experimentation
Lightning ⚡️

Lightning ⚡️ · zeroheight

Product Management

4 Iterative Practices for Navigating Product Management and Life
I want to invite fellow product managers into a conversation. I’m sometimes asked to share about my process and usually people seem most…
General Versatility
Specialize or generalize? Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) or Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)? Expertise or Versatility? The age-old tensions may be false dichotomies.
Separating confusion from complexity
Complex situations may provide fuel for confusion, but complexity and confusion are not the same thing.
Approaches to Product Enhancement: Product Management Scenario 1
The Product Management Scenarios Series examines scenarios presented by fellow product practitioners and others interested in the field…
Approaches to Pricing: Product Management Scenario 2
The Product Management Scenarios Series examines scenarios presented by fellow product practitioners and others interested in the field…
Approaches to Pricing: Product Management Scenario 3
The Product Management Scenarios Series examines scenarios presented by fellow product practitioners and others interested in the field…
Approaches to New Product Development: Product Management Scenario 4
The Product Management Scenarios Series examines scenarios presented by fellow product practitioners and others interested in the field…