Workshops and talks

I'm available for conversations, interviews, workshops, and talks. Below are some topics I've shared on more than one occasion.

Making Products: The Product Delivery Lifecycle

Whether you and your team need to create a solid process for delivering products iteratively, or you want to infuse your current process with some new ideas to improve it, this walkthrough of frameworks can help.

Agile Practices and Design Thinking

While there are similar foundational concepts in both Agile methodologies and Human Centered Design/Design Thinking, the two approaches rarely combine without a lot of friction — and sometimes tension. This talk highlights similarities and differences and helps pinpoint where some adjustments are needed to enable them to work together. Also available as an interactive workshop.

Product Management Practices for Navigating Ambiguity

Most business environments are complex rather than complicated. In a complicated world, experts can steer a company toward success because the unknown is known by someone. A complex world, in contrast, contains unknowns that no one has (yet) discovered. There's no expert path to steer from and the product leader must create clarity through experimentation and exploration. Iterative learning loops become the practices that navigate a team or a company from high degrees of ambiguity to market winners.

Visual Design Principles

Grounded in the foundations of user experience design and design thinking, this interactive talk (or workshop) provides examples of some of the most classic design principles and empowers people — even those who may not have considered themselves designers — to recognize good practice from bad. Shared language and concepts empower teams to think and design better for more powerful results.